Chapter Two
Let Freedom Ring
The fight for freedom by abolitionists from the 19th century to today
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Explore primary source materials, image galleries, videos, a linked bibliography, and more.
Go back in time with these primary source materials
Flip Through
Flip through an old book at the New York Public Library with great engraved illustrations of abolitionist scenes from the Underground Railroad. (Be sure to check out its full, very long, title.)
Look through the complete online archives of William Lloyd Garrison's newspaper, "The Liberator." You can search through PDFs of full issues and zoom in to read articles, announcements, poems, and more.
Hear from enslaved people themselves by reading their stories and how they fought for freedom. Browse hundreds of stories in their original form at Documenting the American South.
Read short bios of Black abolitionists at ZinnEd
Chapter Two Image Database
View every base image from Let Freedom Ring and download them from archives like The Library of Congress, Smithsonian Open Access, and more
Chapter / Slave Resistance
This work by Dr. Manisha Sinha about slave resistance being central to the abolitionist movement was a huge influence on this chapter.
Article / Dixie Debunked
This review of Brian Schoen's book "The Fragile Fabric of the Union: Cotton, Federal Politics, and the Global Origins of the Civil War" digs into cotton's importance to the world's economy.
Article / King Cotton's Long Shadow
This article by Walter Johnson in the New York Times gives a brief, detailed overview of the role cotton and the institution of slavery played in American economic development.
Gallery / Subversion & The Art of Slavery
Browse images of resistance and the abolitionist movement in an online exhibition at the Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture at the New York Public Library.
Article / Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police
This article by abolitionist and organizer Mariame Kaba makes the connection that policing in the South grew out of slave patrols, and outlines an abolitionist vision.
Chapter / Philadelphia
A chapter in the book "The Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania" by Charles L. Blockson outlines the history of the anti-slavery movement in Philadelphia.